Saturday, January 26, 2013

Volume 1.1

My first blog is about the citizens of our great nation.  We as Americans have let our government dictate our lives.  We have let the rich, buy out our votes each and every election.  We are promised a better economy, more jobs, less taxes...etc.  To my knowledge, our votes don't matter.  For example, as I read my Facebook page daily, I see patriotic slogans littering the pages.  We talk about doing something, but we never do.  Our country is liken to the likes of England, the land that our forefathers came from.  I'm not trying to bash England, I just want you to see where we were and where we are now.  Not too far from where our forefathers were in England.

Let's talk about the 2012 elections.  Over 125 million votes were cast in the last presidential election.  Obama received 65,899,557 votes, while Romney received 60,931,959 votes (  Back to my Facebook analogy, if the election was cast on Facebook, Romney would have won in a landslide, or would he?  People talk a lot of smack on Facebook, but when it comes to putting your money were mouth is, they cower.  How are we going to return to a nation of greatness???  How are we going to rescue our country from the rich?  Can we overcome that?

I want to make a difference, do you?!?!

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